creativity cave
Saturday, June 17, 2006
-The captain
Friday, June 16, 2006
Sometimes i get a little philosophical... so here goes for the audience at home...
Do you ever think you're here for a reason?
I used to dismiss that idea, but looking back at all the times, that i've been at the right place at the right time to help out when it's needed, particularly when it's been times I hadn't planned on being in those places, but last minute circumstances changed my plans. I'd have to say that there must really be something to it.
Sure you can chalk it up to coincidence, but when it happens a lot, you start to wonder.
Call it destiny, or fate... I dunno.. i just can't believe that everything is random and left to chance...
-The captain
-The captain
His profile is here
-The 'Doh' Captain

Spider Man reveals his secret identity at a Press Conference
From Civil War #2
And people outside of New York City collectively scratch their heads and say " What's the big deal?I have no idea who this guy is... It's not like the guy behind the mask is someone famous.."
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Falling, like dying has no bottom till the end.
Below could be a river, a canyon, what then,
Sometimes we all fall,
Sometimes we all fail,
Sometimes we hit the bottom,
The abyss seems far too near,
And at those times our friends arrive,
And save us from ourselves,
Be thankful for the friends you have,
And those you may not know,
Even when you're feeling down,
Your friends will still be there
-the Captain
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The true threat isn't from the middle east, it's right here @ home. He hides behind his shakes and his wmfd.. (weapons of massively fried deliciousness) He's cruel and sadistic, plying his people with cheap and yummy food. But should he remain in power? I'm talking about that creepy guy in the mask, the so-called Burger King..
Aren't we past the days of monarchs ruling over us with an iron spatula and a large order of fries. I say we take back our burger restaurants and allow the people of burgeropolis a chance to choose their own destiny, by taking out the sultan of beef patties and effecting regime change. Allowing for the people of burgeropolis the chance to democratically elect a new leader. one who will not stare at them while they sleep offering a meatnormous breakfast sandwich in exchange for their silence and obedience.
-The Captain
Anticipation is such a weird feeling. It lets us hold on to an idealized piece of the future. It makes us nervous. It lets us build up situations in ways that can be totally unrealistic. It sometimes lets us down when our expectations aren't met.
Yet anticipation can be one of the best feelings in the world.
-The Captain
So did anyone else watch ECW on Sci-Fi last night? I had never watched ECW in it's previous run, but I liked what I saw last night. All I have to say is that when I saw the Extreme Battle Royale, it wasn't as brutal as I thought it would be but there definitely some HFS moments. It was also good to see Al Snow, and Stevie Richards wrestling again.
- the 'Extreme' Captain
I am sooo not a morning person. you would think after years of having to get up to take t to school every morning during the school year, that getting up before noon would be easy. Maybe I should start going to bed before 2 in the morning.
Nah.. that's not gonna happen.
-the ***yawn*** captain
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Why is it that we raise our children to be afraid of the human body? We all have a human body (at least I hope so). Nature makes it pretty obvious that men and women are different, yet society tells us not to notice and to look away.
Every year millions of dollars are spent on adult entertainment by people wanting to see what the big fuss is about (or to get a few tips, but that's another story).
Who would have thought that Christianity and the Adult Industry would have a common purpose? The purpose to keep everyone clothed in public. Christians do this for so-called moral purposes, the Adult Industry does this for financial gain, because if nudity is no longer taboo, they won't make money. Strange bedfellows indeed.
So I say Fight the Power! Get naked already!
-The captain
Now i'm not terribly familiar with local zoning ordinances but apparently in many towns, the zoning laws mandate that a sub shop be located in every gas station.
Hillbilly slang (hopefully not to offend any hillbillys) -
-water skiin-
definition: that skiin your bath water gets if you don't change it once a month.
Eskimo pie - what an eskimo's wife gives him if he's been good.
An @$$hole is an object, while bitch is a proper name, at least i hope it is otherwise i owe that waitress one hell of an apology.
Those mario brothers are sure taking a long time on my plumbing, i better check to make sure everything is ok.
The term X-ray is misleading, I say if it can see through my clothes that makes it more of a XXX-ray.
What would you do for a Hy-Vee brand chocolate coated, non dairy icemilk bar that I bought because they were on sale and Klondike bars cost too damn much?
Frozen yogurt = Frogurt
Frozen sucker = What did you call me?
Thankfully the term hooker is not literal like say the term butcher.
- and so Lenny thought to himself... cool .. restraining order.. until he realized the end result was not going to be someone getting tied up.....
- more later
-the captain
Monday, June 12, 2006
1. Which homercles can attest to.. Clown porn.. nothing says screwed up socially than watching clowns dunk each other.. (so to speak). I will never look at the circus the same again. or carnies..
2. Rectal inversions.. Now I don't even now what this is or if it is even a real thing, but damned if that doesn't sound like a conversation starter.
3. people who get their ass crack hair waxed... Yeah.. that ones a crowd pleaser I'm sure...
4. Weird baby names... Zeus, anyone... according to some sources it might mean jesus in greek...
5. Crack Whores and the men who ride them... you do the math on this one cause i can see the formula for hilarity now...
6. people who die in the dumbest ways... there are whole websites devoted to this knockout topic..
7. screwed up relationships.. so what if she was your stepmomma and your sister.. anyway you slice it that's good lovin...
8. midgets... not wanting to offend, but every time midgets are brought up in conversation it's all downhill in terms of good taste and etiquette.
9. Ex-(girl/boy-friend, spouses) from hell. i don't have one (she actually can be pretty decent overall) , but i know people who do.
... if you have any topics to add.. feel free...
-the captain...
Sorry ladies, he apparently does not want children.
Of if you are more evilly inclined, You could be myspace friends with Lex Luthor.
-The captain
Sunday, June 11, 2006
-The captain