Tuesday, June 13, 2006

And now for the topic you have been waiting for (or so I'd like to believe)..


Why is it that we raise our children to be afraid of the human body? We all have a human body (at least I hope so). Nature makes it pretty obvious that men and women are different, yet society tells us not to notice and to look away.

Every year millions of dollars are spent on adult entertainment by people wanting to see what the big fuss is about (or to get a few tips, but that's another story).

Who would have thought that Christianity and the Adult Industry would have a common purpose? The purpose to keep everyone clothed in public. Christians do this for so-called moral purposes, the Adult Industry does this for financial gain, because if nudity is no longer taboo, they won't make money. Strange bedfellows indeed.

So I say Fight the Power! Get naked already!

-The captain


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