Friday, June 09, 2006

more tips for the bored...

1. spray yourself down with pam and go to the ice arena and see how far you can slide... (on second thought.. don't do that)

2. start a chewing gum company and name your gum abc brand gum

3. for the love of god, do not have kids... (sorry, i am watching mine, and 2 others over the summer and i am taking the bullet train to insanity.. for those who don't know the bullet train is one of the fastest trains in the world)

4. for god's sakes go outside and stop reading this stuff. it's really nice out.

5. see number 5.

6.. still here? that's cool. i was just messing with you. it's fun to mess with people when you are bored....

7.. try to remember. ... um.... let me think here.... oh well i'm sure it wasn't important.

8. read my blog. (it may not be fun to you.. but.. )

9. reenact the movie heathers with puppets made from popsicle sticks and yarn.


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