Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sick and wrong...
observations from me.. cause it's my blog and all.

They don't like it at the car dealer when you ask about RPMS and then scream, "viva la revolution"

Despite some people's opinions, dumpsters do not count as "public restrooms".. Those are for paying customers.. jerks..

When they say "don't feed the bears", man you better not feed those bears.. especially the football team, they need to be hungry if they wanna make it in the big leagues...

I know there are fat camps, but are there ugly camps?

What's with the tin man? tin is so wimpy.. he should've been the stainless steel man...

What's up with sequels for 10 or more year old movies coming out?

Vampires suffer from bad press. They play up the biting and drinking blood... but they downplay the eternal life thing. If vampires had informercials touting their new book about living forever, i think things would be different.

why do insanely poor people in movies have multimillion dollar secret labs?

- the captain


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