Saturday, June 10, 2006

Rain, rain go away.. no seriously...

Weather is such an odd thing, ungodly hot one day, the next, cold and rainy. Mother nature has some serious mood swings. get that girl some antidepresents or something. The funniest thing about rain to me is to see grown adults running from their cars to get inside as if it rained on them, they would melt or something. How the heck do these people shower if they are that afraid of a few drops of rain? apparently the formula is fresh water coming down on you outside = bad, tap water (possibly contaminated) coming down on you while standing inside a small cubicle in your home = good. Maybe it's the nudity factor. Some scientist somewhere should waste my tax dollars to find a reason for this. I can hear the pork barrel spending calling to my senator now...

more later

-the captain


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