Saturday, June 10, 2006

So, I watched the new Sarah Silverman dvd last night, and i can't rave about it enough. Sarah Silverman is fast becoming my favorite stand up comedianne. She is so sick and wrong, it's almost like we are soulmates.... except she doesn't know who i am, and stalking is sooo last year.... I gotta say, she is fairly attractive... but it is so weird, i could care less about looks.. (within reason... I wouldn't go out with someone who would shatter mirrors with their looks.. but that aside.) But i would rather be with someone moderately attractive, yet funny and smart, then a brain dead manequin of a girl, whose neurons misfire if she chews gum while walking. because you can't have a serious conversation with anyone who starts their sentences with .. "like.. omigod.." or "So i was like..." or "me.. go out with you? as if...?" or even.. "i'm calling the police if you don't go away".. you know that kind of thing....

Anyway, If you want to laugh and are not easily offended.. Sarah Silverman delivers.... (now if she would only return my calls.. and not through her lawyer.. that doesn't count... )

-the captain


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