Tuesday, June 13, 2006

my thoughts and you're welcome to them...

Now i'm not terribly familiar with local zoning ordinances but apparently in many towns, the zoning laws mandate that a sub shop be located in every gas station.

Hillbilly slang (hopefully not to offend any hillbillys) -
-water skiin-

definition: that skiin your bath water gets if you don't change it once a month.

Eskimo pie - what an eskimo's wife gives him if he's been good.

An @$$hole is an object, while bitch is a proper name, at least i hope it is otherwise i owe that waitress one hell of an apology.

Those mario brothers are sure taking a long time on my plumbing, i better check to make sure everything is ok.

The term X-ray is misleading, I say if it can see through my clothes that makes it more of a XXX-ray.

What would you do for a Hy-Vee brand chocolate coated, non dairy icemilk bar that I bought because they were on sale and Klondike bars cost too damn much?

Frozen yogurt = Frogurt
Frozen sucker = What did you call me?

Thankfully the term hooker is not literal like say the term butcher.

- and so Lenny thought to himself... cool .. restraining order.. until he realized the end result was not going to be someone getting tied up.....

- more later

-the captain


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