Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Burger King: Time for regime change?

The true threat isn't from the middle east, it's right here @ home. He hides behind his shakes and his wmfd.. (weapons of massively fried deliciousness) He's cruel and sadistic, plying his people with cheap and yummy food. But should he remain in power? I'm talking about that creepy guy in the mask, the so-called Burger King..
Aren't we past the days of monarchs ruling over us with an iron spatula and a large order of fries. I say we take back our burger restaurants and allow the people of burgeropolis a chance to choose their own destiny, by taking out the sultan of beef patties and effecting regime change. Allowing for the people of burgeropolis the chance to democratically elect a new leader. one who will not stare at them while they sleep offering a meatnormous breakfast sandwich in exchange for their silence and obedience.

-The Captain


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