not to go on and on about comics but
I wasn't too sure about Chris Bachalo coming back on board X-men since his last run was kinda mediocre, but I have to say that this is one seriously bad ass cover.I might just have to pick this up when it comes out. Damn Marvel anyway!
-The Captain
The idiots have lost their king!!Man Dies While Making Pipe Bombhttp://www.ksat.com/news/9297021/detail.htmlSo this guy, super genius that he was, had been indicted on explosives charges and was killed while making pipe bombs to use on the agents who had arrested him. Brilliantly stupid. Just when you thought that the world was getting a little smarter overall, something like this comes along to snap you out of it. thanks for returning me to my former jaded self, you have left the world a better place for us cynics to live in. -The captain
New Batwoman is a lesbian (?)http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/books/06/01/batwoman.uncloseted.ap/index.htmlI don't really have a problem with this as a whole, but my biggest concern is why? The article says it's to give her a different point of view, like somehow being female doesn't give her enough of a different point of view versus how batman sees things. It feels like they are stacking the deck to hammer people on the head and say "hey look at her, she's completely different from batman and to prove it she competes with batman to get the ladies" because they think people are too stupid to get that she is a different character. I really hate it when characters are given what can be considered controversial personality traits solely to sell a book. And while this might not be why this is being done, it sures feels like it on the surface. Maybe DC will prove me wrong. I hope so, but I won't hold my breath.
-the Captain

for those of you who may not have seen this piece that i did.

rebirth by bill k

scrying pool by bill k

roulette by bill k

owl by bill k

ocean by bill k

forbidden temple by bill k

new art... enjoy....
title: dragon by bill k.
Happy memorial day to all. (although being a day that was set aside to remember those who are no longer with us, i am not sure that applies.)
I hope this day finds you well. More later
-The captain