Monday, June 26, 2006

Today a woman in the trailer court my ex lives decided to pitch a fit that we were walking on the edge of her yard, which is along the main street. since there is no sidewalk there, it is the only place you can walk on that side of the road.
Said person constantly lets her dog run loose and it has in the past bit someone, so I have to ask why anyone should repect anything she has to say about the matter, but that's only one of my complaints...
Since when did people stop talking to each other and instead shout demands at people. If she had come out and said please don't walk here, I probably would have apologized and crossed the street, but instead I kept walking to the end of her yard, and called her a bitch, not my best moment, but I don't take kindly to being shouted at from someone's window especially when I was really within my rights to walk there due to the lack of sidewalk..
Being nice to people gets you better results.... just a thought....



At 3:16 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

She doesn't own the land at the edge of the street, most likely. So walk there all you want.


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