Monday, April 17, 2006

to quote some famous creative thinkers... "And now for something completely different...." poetry....

'Footnote to History"
1st draft 4-5-2003, final version 4-17-2006

Where did all the drive in's go?
They went out with Hawaii Five oh.
Their screens a rest for wayward birds,
Their rusted speakers now bad movie dialogue urns.

The past is gone,
Long live the dead,
The 80's still live on in my head.

Glory Days are long past,
Along with ninety-nine cent gas,
That died along with our innocence.

Nowdays Wal-Mart runs the show,
And Kurt Cobain's back on the radio,
(I think he's still dead, but what do I know)

So go ahead set your vcr,
Smash it with a steel guitar,
(and whatever you do don't forget GWAR)

Don't like that?
Who do you think you are?

Me, I'm just a speed bump on the highway of history,

...and no one's slowing down for me..
........and no one's slowing down for me...

-The captain..


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