Monday, May 08, 2006


I remember in the 80's all the great raunchy liberal comedians that were out there, now the big acts are crap like the redneck comedy tour. WTF. Liberals used to be the biggest chunk of comedians, now they are the ones who are all PC and telling people what they should and shouldn't laugh about. C'mon people this isn't hard, liberals should be funny and the rest of us should be fodder for the comedians. It's just the way of the world. Instead Eddie F'n Murphy does kids movies.... Stop the insanity!!!... Or how about Cheech Marin doing kids music cds.... Argggghhh... my head is going to explode... need comedy now..... must find something to wash the horrible taste of political correctness away............ Oh look, Maury Povich is involved in a sex scandal... not quite what i needed, but a good start... Foul temptress Comedy Central... I bet they think Ziggy's gotten too preachy too....

-The captain


At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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