Had a busy Saturday! Went to Free Comic Book day in the morning at local comic shop Alter-Ego. There was a decent crowd there. Ran into Homercles at the shop. Took T home and headed to Dubuque for a wedding reception for an old friend. Left 2 hours early to try to hit the comic shop in Dubuque. Upon arrival could not find said shop and drove around aimlessly until 3:30 when I found it, got there and all of their comics were half off due to the owner's birthday and got some more free comics to boot. they were insanely slow about checking people out. I then got a little lost trying to get back to the reception at Dubuque Greyhound Park and Casino. Arrived there and met up with Mathman and Mel, (hm... Sounds like either a sitcom or a superhero team..) and sat with them for the reception. Had a wonderful meal and managed to sneak out a few times to do some gambling and managed to win about $50 [which pretty much paid my gas there and back.. :) ]. headed home and let my poor dog out of his kennel. He had been in there abt 10 hours and REAALLLLY had to go at that point. Took him for a long walk in the neighborhood which I had never done since I moved to my new apt in January. My street is pretty dead after 12 AM apparently.
WHEWW!! getting tired just thinking about yesterday....
Hope everyone had a good weekend....
-The Captain.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
what you see is what you get...
About Me
- Name: captain creative
- Location: Cedar Rapids, iowa, United States
Hi Everybody! I live in the Cedar Rapids/Marion, Ia area. I am 36 and separated, I have a 12 year old boy.
Previous Posts
- comics fans, do you remember the world's first all...
- Q-Dogg Comics Store is now up and running @ http:/...
- Almost forgot. If you are into comics run don't wa...
- haven't felt much like blogging lately. guess I ne...
- Into comics? Help me keep my comic collection unde...
- just a quick note.. apparently www.iambored.com is...
- This might just keep illegal immigrants from leavi...
- t is having friends over. 2 of them. it's been an ...
- are you into Adult Swim on cartoon network. Need a...
- set up a new site to post my comics pages... http:...
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Didn't you know, I am a superhero. I am out to preserve truth, justuce, and the mathematical way.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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